SIMPLE - Social Interactive Mashup PLE

In a nutshell

SIMPLE is a personal learning environment for fostering informal learning and knowledge sharing and is based on a widget approach. It is designed to combine web based information access and desktop integration for a seamless integration into the familiar work environment of the user. An underlying communication infrastructure allows for exchanging data and events between widgets in order to improve workflows and usability, and avoid media disruptions.

Sub sections

Parent section

Tools to Support Knowledge Maturing

Further information

SIMPLE User Manual
Source Code

Key publication to cite


Nicolas Weber, Tobias Nelkner, Karin Schoefegger, Stefanie N. Lindstaedt
SIMPLE - a social interactive mashup PLE
In: Wild, Fridolin and Kalz, Marco and Palmér, Matthias and Müller, Daniel (eds.): Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Mashup Personal Learning Environments (MUPPLE09), in conjunction with the 5th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL2010), 2010

Quality assurance is a key aspect for the acceptance of agile bottom-up processes for content development (which are highly beneficial to knowledge maturing). MATURE explores community-driven quality assurance within the context of career guidance organizations. Users need to have confidence that a document is appropriate for a particular context, including their current task and profile. The organization, on the other hand, is interested in tracking, assuring and contributing to the quality of artefacts and processes. This is achieved by providing (i) indicators for quality assurance, (ii) access to an overview of the knowledge base, and (iii) possibilities for gardening the knowledge base.

The focus of our work is on the informal side of work-integrated learning, specifically covering work processes of knowledge workers with learning as a by-product (Eraut, 2007). This enables a shift from the training perspective of the organisation to the learning perspective of the individual.

Furthermore, efficiency is a key goal of an organisation, which, as in this case, relates to the better reuse of existing knowledge and strives for collaborative improvement of the quality of already existing knowledge. In this respect we mainly focus on:

  • how to share knowledge artefacts with others
  • how to collect relevant knowledge artefacts for later use
  • how to stay up to date on certain topics that are of a knowledge worker's interest
  • how knowledge workers can collaboratively support improving and highlighting the quality by rating and gardening of shared knowledge spaces and
  • how to provide the knowledge worker with adequate information about the relevance of a knowledge artefact in her current work task.
  • how to collaborate with colleagues in order to solve tasks at hand

The objective of SIMPLE is to actively support higher quality of knowledge work and to foster informal learning. By means of this software we provide new ways how to support the collaborative creation of high quality and reliable content-based knowledge artefacts in a self-organised way. The main focus of SIMPLE is on the first four phases of the knowledge maturing model.

SIMPLE is based on a widget approach especially for supporting work-integrated learning based on a concrete use case. It is designed to combine web based information access and desktop integration for a seamless integration into the familiar work environment of the user. An underlying communication infrastructure allows for exchanging data and events between widgets in order to improve workflows and usability, and avoid media disruptions.

The main desktop application is called Activity Based Sidebar, which needs to be installed on the target machine. It is an Adobe AIR application, which runs in the according runtime environment. It provides an application which enables knowledge workers to create their learning and maturing environment independently and contextually fitting. Moreover, the prefix Activity Based refers to the possibility users have, to classify and group a subset of their used widgets into activities according to individual tasks. Widgets are deployed in a web-based widget repository. The sidebar loads the widgets in a list of all widgets as selected by the user.

Initially, we provide 6 widgets and the matureFox Firefox plugin. These are:

  • Collection Widget
  • Tagging Widget
  • Tag Cloud Widget
  • Search Widget
  • Discussions Widget
  • Tag Editor Widget

We have recorded some explaining screencasts, guiding you through the main ideas, principles and functionality of the software.



Related publications


Nicolas Weber, Tobias Nelkner, Karin Schoefegger, Stefanie N. Lindstaedt
SIMPLE - a social interactive mashup PLE
In: Wild, Fridolin and Kalz, Marco and Palmér, Matthias and Müller, Daniel (eds.): Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Mashup Personal Learning Environments (MUPPLE09), in conjunction with the 5th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL2010), 2010

Karin Schoefegger, Paul Seitlinger, Tobias Ley
Towards a user model for personalized recommendations in work-integrated learning: A report on an experimental study with a collaborative tagging system
In: Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Recommender Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning (RecSysTEL 2010), Procedia Computer Science, 2010, pp. 2829-2838

Abstract The informal setting of learning at work give rise for unique challenges to the field of technology enhanced learning systems. Personalized recommendations taking into account the current context of the individual knowledge worker are a powerful approach to overcome those challenges and effectively support the knowledge workers to meet their individual information needs. Basis for these recommendations to adopt to the current context of a knowledge worker can be provided by user models which reflects the topics knowledge workers are dealing with and their corresponding knowledge levels, but research has only focused on user modeling in settings with a static underlying domain model so far. We suggest to model the users’ context based on the emergent topics they are dealing with and their individual current knowledge levels within these topics by extracting the necessary information from the user’s past activities within the system. Based on data from an experiment with students learning a new topic with the help of a collaborative tagging system, we started to evaluate this approach and report on first results.


Karin Schoefegger, Nicolas Weber, Stefanie Lindstaedt, Tobias Ley
Knowledge Maturing Services: Supporting Knowledge Maturing in Organisational Environments
In: Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management, Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 5914, Springer, 2009, pp. 370-381

Abstract The changes in the dynamics of the economy and the corresponding mobility and fluctuations of knowledge workers within organizations make continuous social learning an essential factor for an organization. Within the underlying organizational processes, Knowledge Maturing refers to the the corresponding evolutionary process in which knowledge objects are transformed from informal and highly contextualized artifacts into explicitly linked and formalized learning objects. In this work, we will introduce a definition of Knowledge (Maturing) Services and will present a collection of sample services that can be divided into service functionality classes supporting Knowledge Maturing in content networks. Furthermore, we developed an application of these sample services, a demonstrator which supports quality assurance within a highly content based organisational context.

Karin Schoefegger, Nicolas Weber, Stefanie N. Lindstaedt, Tobiay Ley
Knowledge Maturing Services: Supporting Knowledge Maturing in Organisational Environments
In: Proceedings of Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management (KSEM), 2009

Tobias Nelkner
An Infrastructure for Intercommunication Between Widgets in Personal Learning Environments
In: iltiadis D. Lytras and de Pablos, Patricia Ordóñez and Damiani, Ernesto and Avison, David E. and Naeve, Ambjörn and Horner, David G. (eds.): 2nd World Summit on the Knowledge Society (WSKS 2009), Crete, Greece, Communications in Computer and Information Science vol. 49, Springer, 2009, pp. 41-48