Training Packages
Based on extensive experiences in training and applying knowledge maturing to real-world problems, we offer training packages that are particularly targetted at consultants (both internal and external) supporting projects to improve knowledge maturing.
- Package 1: The Basics: Knowledge Maturing Phase Model & Activities
This introduces the general concept of knowledge maturing, including the phase model, the differentiation into different strands (content, process, semantics, and people) and different manifestations (artefact, sociofact, cognifact). It also includes the discussion of knowledge maturing activities. Case studies are discussed for applying the concepts in a real setting.
Goal of this module is to develop a profound understanding of knowledge maturing and its associated conceptual models, and to be able to apply the concepts during analyzing the client’s situation and developing a solution in a structured way. Package 2: Observing, Evaluating, and Measuring Knowledge Maturing: Indicators and Scorecard
This module focuses on observing knowledge maturing through indicators. It introduces the knowledge maturing indicator framework, the set of general indicators, and shows specializations of these general indicators for concrete contexts and tool settings. It also shows the Maturing scorecard approach as a reflection tool.
Goal of this module is to learn how to measure knowledge maturing in a concrete context.Package 3: Guidance
This module focuses on the specific aspect of guidance. This particularly focuses on guidance activities.
Goal of this module is to be able to analyze a customer’s situation with respect to guidance activities and possible interventions.Package 4: Design Processes
This module includes methodologies for designing knowledge maturing support based on an agile approach.
Goal of this module is to learn how to approach consultancy projectsPackage 5: Motivational, Social, and Cultural Aspects
One important success factor for acceptance and sustainable success of knowledge maturing solutions is the consideration of the motivation of individuals. This is typically a very complex task. Here the motivational model (as described in D1.1) together with the barriers (as associated with the phase model in D1.1 and empirically validated in D1.2) provide a useful tool for a structured analysis and consideration of motivational aspects in the actual design process.
Goal of this module is to be able to analyse motivational, social, and cultural aspects in a systematic way and relate this to tool functionality and its effects.
These training packages can be customized to individual needs.
![]() | Christine Kunzmann Kompetenzen gestalten Königsbach-Stein, Germany |
![]() | Ronald Maier University of Innsbruck Austria |
![]() | Andreas P. Schmidt Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences Germany |