Sally-Anne Barnes
Dr Sally-Anne Barnes is a Senior Research Fellow at Warwick Institute for Employment Research, University of Warwick. Her research interests include: careers guidance theory and practice; ICT based innovations; and qualitative research methodology and data analysis. She has a particular interest and expertise in the effects of the implementation and application of technologies in organisational work and training settings.
She was part of the development team for both National Guidance Research Forum (NGRF) (2002-2008) and the European Guidance and Counselling Research Forum (2004-2007) (EGCRF). As developer and editor of the LMI Future Trends section of the NGRF, Sally-Anne has expertise and extensive knowledge of national, regional, local and sectoral based labour market information (LMI). She has managed a range of projects focused on developing LMI for career guidance practitioners, plus researching the implementation of technology to support the professional development of careers guidance practitioners. Sally-Anne was also centrally involved in the qualitative, longitudinal case study investigating the nature of effective guidance (2002-2008) and how individuals navigate the labour market. Plus, she has undertaken literature reviews for HECSU on career development interventions in HE and for DWP on skills diagnostics and screening tools.
Current research includes: the development of LMI materials and support for careers guidance practitioners; researching the implementation of technology to support CEIAG services for young people and the professional development of careers guidance practitioners using Word Press technology; researching knowledge maturing processes and the role of technology can play in supporting those processes; and researching individual career identities, development, learning and continuing vocational training.